My favorite view so far on the Appalachian trail came unexpectedly a few miles before Betty Creek Gap in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. Â Maneuvering through a thick tunnel of rhododendrons, hiking with what seemed like extremely exaggerated motions, I noticed an inconspicuous tunnel cut off towards the right side of the trail. At the end of the tunnel was something amazing to behold. Even though I didn’t realize at the time what peaks I was viewing, the solitude and sheer magnificence of that very spot will stay with me forever.
I may also note that Betty Creek Gap (where I ventured on down the trail) was also my favorite campsite. It was homey, there was a warm campfire with familiar faces, plenty of dry logs to squat on, and also where I found a colorful and lovingly weaved area rug (abandoned and thrown away on a downed tree) that I packed out and carried with me for miles. Though it made a toasty camp seat and vestibule decoration, we had to eventually part. Mom, you should be receiving this in the mail within the next couple of days. Her name is Betty, and It was time to part.
What’s that old hiker saying? I think it’s, “ounces equal pounds, pounds equal pain”.
True story.