FREE U: TJ Turner “Learn Self-defense & Awareness,” Thursday, September 5th, 7-8pm

Thursday, September 5th, 2013, 7-8pm, please join us, in-store, for an exciting self defense demonstration by TJ Turner, head trainer of Momentum Fitness Group Training Studio.


MOMENTUM FITNESS Women’s Self Defense Seminar provides an introduction to fundamental self-defense skills and techniques, teaching participants how to recognize and avoid dangerous situations.  Participants will gain confidence to take a proactive role in ensuring their safety.  We will cover awareness-building strategies and learn and practice self-defense techniques that you can implement right away.    

The seminar is taught by TJ Turner, owner of Momentum Fitness.  He has 19 years of martial arts experience, has taught self-defense, kickboxing, and jiu jitsu classes geared specifically for women, and is a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Light snacks and beverages will be served.